[{Image src='AE_map_small_2025.jpg' caption='' height='400' alt='AE map' align='center'}]
!!Academia Europaea Knowledge Hubs

[{Image src='AE_logo_BARCELONA_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Barcelona Knowledge Hub' link='http://barcelona.acadeuro.org'}]
!Academia Europaea | Barcelona Knowledge Hub
The Barcelona Knowledge Hub (BKH) is the branch office of __Academia Europaea__ (AE) in the Mediterranean and Southern European regions. The mission of the __AE-BKH__ is to promote scientific dissemination, built on excellence in scholarship and aimed at Members of AE in its area of influence, the larger academic community, and the general public, with a special emphasis on cross-sectional perspectives across the natural sciences, exact sciences, social sciences and humanities. Its vision is to turn science into a shared common value among all citizens and to become a hub of thought and dialogue on global challenges facing humanity.
\\ \\
Since it began its operations in 2013, the __AE-BKH__ has carried out its activities thanks to the support of the Barcelona City Council and of the Directorate-General for Research of the Government of Catalonia. The __AE-BKH__ is currently hosted by the [Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation|https://www.fundaciorecerca.cat/en].
\\ \\
The AE-BKH has an International Advisory Committee. Currently it is formed by the following persons: [Enric Banda|User/Banda_Enric], Pedro García-Barreno, [M. Dolores García Ramón|User/Garcia-Ramon_Maria-Dolores], [Ramon Gomis|User/Gomis_Ramon], [Sergiu Hart|User/Hart_Sergiu], [Yvon Le Maho|User/Le_Maho_Yvon], [Genoveva Martí|User/Marti_Genoveva], [Marc Mayer Olivé|User/Mayer_Olivé_Marc], [Maria Paradiso|User/Paradiso_Maria], Regina Revilla, and Rosalia Vargas. 
__Office address:__
\\ \\
Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació\\
Passeig Lluís Companys, 23, 5th floor\\
08010 Barcelona\\
\\ \\
__Website:__ [https://aebarcelona.eu]\\
__E-mail:__ [AEbarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat|mailto:AEbarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat]\\
__Telephone:__+34 93 689 6477, +34 620 777 280
\\ \\
__[Professor Dr. Jaume Bertranpetit|Member/Bertranpetit_Jaume]__, ''Academic Director''\\
\\ \\
__Maite Sánchez Riera__, ''Hub Manager''\\
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_BERGEN_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Bergen Knowledge Hub' link='https://aebergen.w.uib.no'}]
!Academia Europaea | Bergen Knowledge Hub

The Bergen Knowledge Hub first opened its office on March 1, 2014 in the premises of Business Region Bergen. 
Since June 8, 2016 the University of Bergen has been hosting the Hub, which is Academia Europaea's branch in the Nordic, Baltic and Arctic regions.
\\ \\
The aim of the Bergen Knowledge Hub is to become a platform to develop science advice on marine, energy and environmental issues, with emphasis on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our Hub establishes activities in support of science advice, whereby independent academic insights are used to help develop policies both in Europe and in Norway.  
\\ \\
In 2019 the Bergen Knowledge Hub appointed an Advisory Board, consisting of AE and YAE members from the Nordic and Baltic regions, and a local Steering Group, which will meet twice yearly.
\\ \\
__Office address:__
\\ \\
Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub\\
Jekteviksbakken 21, 2nd Floor\\
N-5006 Bergen\\
\\ \\
__Website:__  [https://aebergen.w.uib.no]\\
__Email:__ [AEbergen@uib.no|mailto:AEbergen@uib.no]\\
__Telephone:__ +47 98 41 94 20
\\ \\
__[Professor Eystein Jansen|Member/Jansen_Eystein]__, ''Academic Director''\\
Email: [Eystein.Jansen@uib.no|mailto:Eystein.Jansen@uib.no]
\\ \\
__[Kristin Bakken|https://www.uib.no/personer/Kristin.Bakken]__, ''Senior Adviser/Hub Manager''\\
Email: [Kristin.Bakken@uib.no|mailto:Kristin.Bakken@uib.no]
\\ \\
__Nils Olav Sæverås__, ''Comunications Adviser''\\
Email: [Nils.Severas@uib.no|mailto:Nils.Severas@uib.no]
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_BUDAPEST_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='AE-logo-Budapest-06.jpg'}]
!Academia Europaea | Budapest Knowledge Hub
Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub was established on 9 December 2020.
\\ \\
Aiming to promote interdisciplinary scientific discourse with a regional and European focus through stimulating new links and networks of expertise in the wider Danube region, the Budapest Hub will start its operation on 1 January 2021. Based on a collaboration agreement between Academia Europaea and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences signed on 9 December 2020, the Budapest Hub will be hosted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), with its
administration to be located at the Secretariat of MTA in Budapest.
\\ \\
The Budapest Hub will rely both on the community of AE members and the public association of the MTA, including members of MTA’s recently established young academy. It will be strongly committed to co-operate with the network of AE hubs across Europe, while aiming to establish collaboration with the Young Academy of Europe as well. It is going to promote in particular the involvement of young scientists and scientists from the Danube region in the design and delivery of its activities.
\\ \\
__Office address:__
\\ \\
AE Budapest Knowledge Hub\\
Hungarian Academy of Sciences\\
Nádor u. 7.\\
H-1051 Budapest\\
\\ \\ 
__Website:__ [https://aebudapesthub.hu]\\
__Telephone:__ +36 1 411 6242
\\ \\
__[Professor Péter Hegyi|Member/Hegyi_Péter]__, ''Academic Director''\\
\\ \\
__Gergely Böhm__, ''Hub manager''\\
+36 1 411 6209
\\ \\
__Katalin Fodor__, ''Head of Department''\\
\\ \\
__Nóra Deák__, ''Hub officer''
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_CARDIFF_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub' link='http://www.aecardiffknowledgehub.wales'}]
!Academia Europaea | Cardiff Knowledge Hub

The Cardiff Hub was set up in 2016 at Cardiff University, one of the UK’s leading research universities. The Hub is based in sbarc|spark, Cardiff University's flagship innovation centre.
\\ \\
Academia Europaea Cardiff is dedicated to bridging the gap between science and policy. AE Cardiff is active in two areas of work. The first is science for policy – synthesising and interpreting knowledge from across different academic disciplines to inform policy. The other is policy for science – examining how research is done, and how culture, processes and infrastructure can be improved.
\\ \\
__Office address:__
\\ \\
Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub\\
Cardiff University\\
Maindy Road\\
CF24 4HQ\\
United Kingdom
\\ \\ 
__Website:__ [http://www.aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]\\
__Email:__ [aecardiffhub@cardiff.ac.uk|mailto:aecardiffhub@cardiff.ac.uk]\\
__Telephone:__ +44 (0)2920688249
\\ \\
__[Professor Ole H. Petersen|User/Petersen_Ole]__, ''Academic Director''\\
\\ \\
__Louise Edwards__, ''Hub Manager''\\
\\ \\
__Juliet Davies__, ''Executive Officer''\\
\\ \\
__Alice Sadler__, ''Communications Officer''\\
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_TBILISI_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Academia Europaea Tbilisi Knowledge Hub' link='https://www.aetbilisihub.org' }]
!Academia Europaea | Tbilisi Knowledge Hub

The Tbilisi Knowledge Hub was established in 2019 as a joint initiative of Academia Europaea and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia. It acts as Academia Europaea's branch in the Eastern partnership countries. By assisting to coordinated interactions with European universities, research centers and scientific funds, the Tbilisi Hub promotes in the region the European standards of scholarship and develops pan-European scientific collaborations. It contributes to the popularization of science and technology by organizing conferences, seminars and summer schools. Moreover, the Tbilisi Hub aims to become a platform to develop multidisciplinary scientific activities and expertise related to the biocultural - biological, cultural, linguistic, ecological - diversity in the South Caucasus, at the border of Eastern Europe with Western Asia.
\\ \\
__Postal address:__
\\ \\
Tbilisi State University\\
1st Academic Building\\
1 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue\\
Tbilisi, 0179\\
Email: [aeth@tsu.ge|mailto:aeth@tsu.ge]\\
Tel.: +995 557  406 204
\\ \\
__Website:__ [http://www.aetbilisihub.org]
\\ \\
__[Professor David Lordkipanidze|Member/Lordkipanidze_David]__, ''Academic Director''\\
\\ \\
__Zaal Kokaia__, ''Chair of the Advisory Board''\\
[ zaal.kokaia@med.lu.se|mailto: zaal.kokaia@med.lu.se]
\\ \\
__Natia Khuluzauri__, ''Executive Director''\\
\\ \\
__Vakhtang Tsintsadze__, ''Manager''\\
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_WROCLAW_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Academia Europaea - Wrocław Knowledge Hub'  link='http://www.acadeuro.wroclaw.pl'}]
!Academia Europaea | Wrocław Knowledge Hub
Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub was established on 16th of December 2011. The main aims of Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub are: support of Central and Eastern European scholars, mobilization and internationalization of the local scientific institutions, establishment and consolidation of relations between foreign and local researchers. The Wroclaw Knowledge Hub office focuses on knowledge activities, including international events; summer schools lecture series and high-level expert panels. 
\\ \\
__Postal and visiting address:__
\\ \\
15 Na Grobli Street\\
Building L-1, room 345\\
50-421 Wrocław\\
\\ \\
__Website:__  [http://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl]\\
__Email:__ [aewroclaw@pwr.edu.pl|mailto:aewroclaw@pwr.edu.pl)]\\
__Telephone:__ +48 722 238 629\\
__Mobile:__ +48 722 238 629
\\ \\
__[Professor Arkadiusz Wójs|Member/Wójs_Arkadiusz]__, ''Academic Director''\\
\\ \\
__Anna Jarosz__, ''Hub Manager''\\
*Coordination of hub activities
*Supervision of administration processes (welcome packs)
*Assisting in class meetings
*Event organization
__Veronica Lott__, Hub Officer\\
*External communication
*Promotion of events
*Event organization
[{Image src='YAE1.jpg' caption='' height='92' alt='Young Academy of Europe' link='http://yacadeuro.org' border='1'}]
!Young Academy of Europe

The Young Academy of Europe is a pan-European initiative of outstanding young scientists aiming to create a platform for networking, scientific exchange and science policy. 
\\ \\
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_MAIN_04.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Academia Europaea Headquarters'}]
!!Academia Europaea offices
!Registered legal entities of the Academia Europaea

!Academia Europaea Headquarters

A registered association for the promotion of science and research as well as the promotion of public and professional education.
\\ \\
Amtsgericht München (Registration Number): VR 210134\\
Tax number: 143/210/03525
\\ \\
__Office address:__
\\ \\
Academia Europaea e.V.\\
Room 334, 3rd floor\\
Theresienstr. 41\\
80333 München\\
\\ \\
-->__[How to find the Munich office|Acad_Main/AE_Offices/Location]__
\\ \\
__Telephone:__ +49 89 2180 4294
\\ \\
__Friederike Brandthaus__ ''Executive Secretary''\\
\\ \\
! Academia Europaea Support Office

__Office address:__
\\ \\
__Academia Europaea__\\
Room 251\\
Senate House, University of London\\
Malet Street \\
WC1E 7HU\\
\\ \\
-->__[How to find the London office|Acad_Main/AE_Offices/Location]__
\\ \\
__Telephone:__ + 44 (0) 207 862 5784
\\ \\
__[Dr. David Coates|Acad_Main/Centers_of_Activity/Coates_David]__ ''Executive Secretary''\\
Contact regarding policy and organisational matters.\\
\\ \\
__Teresa McGovern__ ''Administrator''\\
Contact regarding general office administration, Academia Europaea conferences and workshops.\\
\\ \\
[{Image src='AE_logo_GRAZ_10.png' caption='' height='80' alt='Academia Europaea | Graz Information Centre'}]
!Academia Europaea | Graz Information Centre

The Graz Information Centre is located in the second largest city of
Austria and was founded in 2010 with the purpose of increasing the
visibility of Academia Europaea and its members. The establishment
of the Centre was made possible by a joint agreement between
Academia Europaea and Graz University of Technology.
\\ \\
The Graz Information Centre operates the official corporate website
of Academia Europaea which is the main source of information about
official policies statements, news, activities, events and programmes
which are issued, (co-)organised, sponsored and promoted by
Academia Europaea. The website also presents individual members
of the Academy and their achievements. The Centre is also responsible
for membership administration and the development of the
support infrastructure for the nominations and elections process.
\\ \\
The Graz Information Centre provides a complete technical support
of the AE site, including control and tests of server, backup systems,
system and data security, continuous maintenance and update of the
server operating system and database management system.
\\ \\
__Office address:__
\\ \\
Institute of Human-Centred Computing (HCC)\\
Graz University of Technology\\
Sandgasse 36 3.floor  \\
A-8010 Graz\\
\\ \\
__Telephone:__ +43 68184035078
\\ \\
__[Helmut Leitner|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__ ''Technical Director''\\
Contact regarding technical issues concerning the Academia Europaea Graz Information Centre site\\ at [http://www.ae-info.org/|http://www.ae-info.org].\\
\\ \\
__[Dana Kaiser|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__ ''Administrator''\\
Contact concerning contents of the Academia Europaea Graz Information Centre site\\ at [http://www.ae-info.org/|http://www.ae-info.org].\\
Contact regarding membership, changes of member contact details and [nomination procedure|Acad_Main/Nominations].\\
\\ \\
__[Robert  Hoffmann|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__ ''Chief Technical Officer''\\
\\ \\
__[Odo Benda|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__, ''Technical Officer''\\
\\ \\
!Server Statistics

__Number of documents:__   [{$totalpages}]\\
__Number of attachments:__ [{$totalattachments}]\\
__Number of objects (documents+attachments):__ [{$totalobjects}]\\
__Number of members with more than basic information:__ [{AcadHandledMembersPlugin}]

