!!Council Composition
__The Council comprises the following members:__ 
*President: vacant
*Honorary Treasurer (pro tem): [Professor Stephen Evans|Member/Evans_Stephen]. Director of Research for Industrial Sustainability, University of Cambridge 
*Other members of the [Board of Trustees|Acad_Main/About_us/Governance]
*All chairs of Academic Sections are Statutory Council members
The Council is an advisory structure to the Board of trustees. The council exists in a ‘variable geometry’ formulation – each Class comprises one format of the Council .  The members of Council comprise the chairs of the academic Sections meeting for each Class. Each Class is chaired by the Class Chair. Each Class chair is a co-opted member of the Board of Trustees and therefore acts as the direct representative for the Sections. The principle role of the Council is to manage the annual election cycle for candidates for membership of the Academy and to provide advice to the Board of trustees and where needed to act as peer review panels for awards and grants.  The Section Chairs and Section committee members are appointed/elected from amongst the relevant Sectional memberships.